Tag Archives: story

New on 500px : Two Worlds by TheNarratographer by TheNarratographer

This is an image where I have combined the foreground of a very long exposure and the sky of a normal exposure. I love the effect that long exposures can have on the sea, but it doesn’t always work out so well on the sky.

Check out my YOUTUBE CHANNEL for lots of tutorials like this.

I have come to realise that all Eastern Europeans are crazy :). And I mean that as a huge compliment. Whilst spending an hour down at Pulpit Rock, I was joined by a photographer from that part of the world who simply wasn’t content with the shot I managed to get and decided to climb down into the sea and get some shots from really low down. In the end, it cost him his Big Stopper. No, that is not a euphemism, it is the nickname for a 10-stop Lee Filter. Anyway, I think his name was Eric, the wind was so strong and loud that I could barely hear what he was saying. But I was jealous that he had managed to climb down the rock face and that he was brave enough to stand practically in the sea whilst taking his images. I thought I was a risk taker when it came to getting in the right place for the shot, standing on crumbling ledges and on the edges of cliffs – but ‘Eric’ took the word crazy to an entirely new level :).

I left before he did…I hope he managed to climb back up ok!

via 500px http://ift.tt/27moztE

New on 500px : A story from the Universe by TomasHavel by TomasHavel

Sella Ronda, Italy.

www.tomashavel.com | Instagram

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New on 500px : Homestead by Laanscapes by Laanscapes

~ This is an oldy that I captured back in the autumn of 2013. We’ve been one of the highest peaks in the Black Forest that day, but because of the mist we didn’t have any spectacular vistas looking out over the Alps to the south… At all. My girlfriend was stood about 3 feet away on that peak and I could barely recognise her silhouette. It was just so damn misty. The trip didn’t pan out, but just as we were coming back from an uneventful day from a photographic point of view, we came over a hill on the way to our accomodation there.

Then this happened. Finally the mist dissipated; revealing spectacular autumn colours underneath and clouds that seemed utterly misplaced. We had been searching for compositions in all the remote and wrong places, while this shot was just there; waiting for us on the literal side of the road. There’s absolutely no hardship involved in the making of this. Set up the tripod and pointed the camera down into the valley at f/11 with a crappy lens from the eighties.

I did took some liberty with processing though. Much like I did with ‘Reign of Sorrow’ in Scotland; not really removing or adding anything, but locally enhancing how the light hit the trees and fields. But that was mainly because I had just watched The Fellowship of the Ring for the 23rd time.

‘Homestead’ was captured somewhere between Furtwangen & Feldberg in the Black Forest (Schwarzwald), Germany with the D7100 at 35mm.

f/11 | 1/4s | ISO100

via 500px http://ift.tt/1qrXDY0

New on 500px : Dream dutch color by sunprojec by sunprojec

Zaanse Schans at north of Amsterdam bring special atmosphere at sunset.

via 500px http://ift.tt/1MdPLOo