Tag Archives: dine

New on 500px : Dust Storm – Mitten Butes by PatKofahl

Arizona is actually pretty famous for dust storms. We even borrowed the Arab term “haboob,” because they’re so similar to what’s often seen in the Saharan and Arabian desert. Triggered by monsoon thunderstorms, these massive walls of dust often reach heights of 10,000 feet, engulfing and obscuring everything in their path.

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New on 500px : Sunrise – Monument Valley by PatKofahl

Sunrise from the top of Hunts Mesa in Monument Valley. The vista at dawn is truly breathtaking, as you sit in the dark, waiting for the sunrise, with the shutter release cable in one hand and a cup of coffee in the other. This rugged valley, still the home to Navajo families who have lived here for generations, is a place where traditions endure, despite the encroachment of civilization. It is difficult to be here and bear witness to this unique and wonderful spectacle and not feel that you are of the landscape, as it is of you.

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New on 500px : Clouds – Monument Valley by PatKofahl

The view from Hunts Mesa is the quintessential vision of the West: vistas as far as the eye can see, human habitation almost an afterthought, and dwarfed by the enormity of the landscape. Arroyos, canyons, mesas, draws, washes, tanks. A place so alien that it even requires its own language to describe it. A land with its own rules and laws, completely impersonal, and universally enforced, without rancor or a second thought.

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New on 500px : Lair of the Spider Woman by PatKofahl

In Navajo mythology, Canyon de Chelly (pronounced Canyon de Shay) is the place where humans first emerged into this world. The Spider Woman, who lives inside the 750 ft tall spire pictured here, is the creator of the entire world and everything in it. It is said that she took a web she had spun, laced it with dew, threw it into the sky and the dew became the stars overhead. Fiat Lux!

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New on 500px : First Light – Monument Valley by PatKofahl

Dawn arrives at Monument Valley in this view from Hunt’s Mesa. It’s a long, precarious drive up in a high clearance four wheel drive vehicle, with a Navajo guide, usually done the day before, in order to shoot the sunset, which is also breathtaking. You can overnight, with a five o’clock wake-up in order to dress, grab a cup of coffee, get the camera gear together and trudge out to the northernmost point. It can get pretty cold, depending upon the time of year, and there is usually some fumbling with gloved fingers as you adjust your tripod and the camera controls, getting ready for the shot. This view makes it all worth it. Have a great week, everyone!

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New on 500px : Torchlight at Mitten Butes by PatKofahl

The sun sits precariously on the tip of the left mitten just after sunrise in Monument Valley Navajo Tribal Park in Arizona. The Mittens, along with Merrick’s Butte, also pictured here, have been used in dozens of Hollywood movies, and have become synonymous with the West for millions of both Americans, and visitors the world over. Have a great week everyone, and thanks so much for your continued support!

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